*Directions to Bob's house will be emailed to registered attendees a few days before the event.
8:00 – 8:30 Registration and Networking
8:30 – 9:00 Welcome & State of the Industry in Alabama – Eddie Greenhalgh, Marcus & Millichap
9:05 – 10:00 5 Things You Didn't Know Your Software Could Do - Tommy Nguyen, StoragePug
10:10 – 11:05 Due Diligence - Cindy Ashby, Janus International
11:05 – 11:35 Vendor Spotlight (10 min each) – Gold Sponsors –
11:35 – 12:20 Lunch
12:00 – 12:30 Trade Show Open
12:30 – 1:30 Breakout Sessions
Owners: Recruiting, Hiring & Training - Cindy Ashby, Janus International
Managers: Making Yourself a Company Asset - Melissa Roberts, MR Management & Consulting
1:30 – 2:00 Trade Show & Break
2:00 – 4:00 Legal Sessions
4:00 – 4:15 Closing Remarks and Door Prize Drawings
Speaker Spotlight- Keynote Speaker - Legal Session "Self Storage Legal Update 2020: An Operator’s Approach to Risk Management" This session will review some of the current liability issues impacting self storage operators including state and federal laws protecting data privacy, expanding physical and virtual access for the disabled and controlling the use of calls, texts and e-mails for customer communications. Attendees will discuss best practices for facility operations in the areas of lien enforcement, safety and security of their premises and the rights of landlords dealing with disruptive and difficult tenants. This is a program that you don’t want to miss if you have legal questions or concerns about your business operations! Speaker - Scott Zucker
Scott is outside counsel to the national Self Storage Association, legal counsel to a number of State self storage associations, a frequent lecturer at national self storage conventions and is a contributing legal writer for trade magazines such as the Mini- Storage Messenger, Inside Self Storage and The Globe. Scott is the author of Legal Topics in Self Storage: A Sourcebook for Owners and Managers (First Edition 2000, Second Edition 2018), which is the primary reference guide for self storage owners and managers in the self storage industry and is the author of the monthly blog for self storage owners and operators called “The Self Storage Legal Monthly Minute”. He is also a partner in the Self Storage Legal Network, a subscription based legal information service for self storage owners and managers affiliated with the national Self Storage Association. - Opening Address - "2020 Self Storage and Economic Outlook" Eddie Greenhalgh Marcus & Millichap A current overview of the self storage industry in the state of Alabama "5 Things You Didn't Know Your Software Could Do" Tommy Nguyen StoragePug The ‘best of the best’ in the self storage industry utilize ‘best practices’ to increase income, profit and asset values. Learn about these practices and how to implement them into your self storage business to make 2019 your best year ever! "Due Dilligence" Cindy Ashby Janus International What to look for when buying or selling a self storage facility. Find the hidden costs or value. Learn who should be doing the looking and what do do with the information discovered. The right people looking at the right things will result in securing the right price and the right returns. "Recruiting, Hiring and Training" Cindy Ashby Janus International Today's market can make Recruiting and Hiring a bit overwhelming. Do you know what you want...need? Do you know where to look? What can you ask? What should you ask? Do you have the right forms? Do you have the right culture? Let's work together to find the best answers to these questions for YOU! "Legislative Update" Joe Doherty SSA SSA and ALSSA are collaborating this year on an effort to modernize the state’s self storage lien law. Joe will speak about the proposed changes to the law and how you can show your support for the bill. |
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